Does your Website Need a Hamburger Menu ?
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MILESI CesarLast updated on the
Some tips, pros & cons for you to know if you should include a hamburger menu or not
What is a Hamburger Menu?
The hamburger menu, also known as a drop-down menu or hamburger button, is a button with three horizontal lines. The icon became widely popular with the rise of mobile phone use around 2009, providing an efficient way to navigate on small screens.
Pros of a Hamburger Menu
It streamlines screen layouts by hiding navigation options until clicked, reducing clutter. Furthermore, it is well-recognized, providing a visual cue for users to access additional menu options.
Cons of a hamburger Menu
A hamburger menu is less discoverable, as important features are hidden and might be overlooked by users. It also requires extra user effort, as they need to click on the icon in order to reveal the navigation options.