From guiding the user in the process, through drawing attention to key elements, to providing visual feedback, animations are a unique way of enhancing user experience.

How can animations improve user experience?

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Some ideas on implementing animations in your website

It is all about user engagement

Retaining visitors on your website is crucial. Keeping them interacting too. With the help of animations, you will be able to generate a more attractive and dynamic website, in which users stay longer. The longer your audience stays on your pages, the more they get to know you, and ultimately the more likely they become ... customers.

Guiding users from A to Z

Obviously animations help attract attention. However, you should use them carefully, in order to attract the viewer's attention to where you want. You can achieve this by adding some hovering on the "sign up for our newsletter" button, or by adding clicking items to make the page more interactive.

Don't forget brand identity

Having consistent animations and flowing interaction items can lead to a very customized brand identity. In this way, your website will become memorable and your brand recognition will increase.


In today's visual world, mastering animations on your website is a must-have to beautify user experience and increase your brand recognition.

How to create an animation using a SVG file?

Please follow these steps to animate your SVG logo.


  1. Create a new HTML file.
  2. Simply insert the SVG code in the HTML file using the svg tags.
Your SVG code


  1. Create a new JavaScript file.
  2. The CSS rules inside the selector ".logoAnimation path" style specific paths within elements with the class "logoAnimation". These rules set the stroke color, width, dash array, dash offset, and animation properties. The stroke properties define the appearance of the path's outline, while the animation properties control how the stroke is animated.
  3. The "@keyframes dash" rule defines the animation named "dash", specifying how the stroke-dashoffset property changes over the animation's duration. It starts with a dash offset of 900 units and ends with a dash offset of 0 units, effectively revealing the entire path.
// 1.
.logoAnimation path {
	stroke: black;
	stroke-width: 1px;
	stroke-dasharray: 600;
	stroke-dashoffset: 600;
	fill: none;
	animation-name: dash;
	animation-duration: 4s;
	animation-timing-function: linear;
	animation-fill-mode: forwards;

// 2.
@keyframes dash {
	from {
		stroke-dashoffset: 900;
	to {
		stroke-dashoffset: 0;

Live demo

Animate the logo below